CareNiva for Practice

Grow your practice with the CareNiva Telehealth platform

Easy to setup the platform. Build your practice and deliver care to more patients remotely and in-person using CareNiva’s platform.



One platform to power your practice

Instantly reach customers across all states and scale. Infinitely customizable, and powerful services to keep you connected to your patients.

At CareNiva, we’re committed to offering practice the means to grow and scale. We offer the resources and support needed to truly manage and grow practice efficiently.

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Reliability and Scale


The leader in end to end telehealth at scale

Deliver timely, secure and trusted care.

Build unbreakable patient relationships. Practices trust CareNiva to deliver care, with ease and a resilient platform built on secure infrastructure.

Security and Compliance


We take security seriously

Keeping your data and patient information secure is our top priority. Meet the highest standards for security and compliance to mitigate risks and stay ahead of regulations with CareNiva compliance.



Manage, reach and deliver care to patients with the best available platform.

Launch telehealth for your practice !

CareNiva practice platform is designed for practice looking to grow and establish their practice with telehealth strategy.

You can start free or power your practice with paid plan.

Use Cases

  • CareNiva Telehealth

    Reach your patients and deliver care to your patients remotely. Reach more patients with robust end to end platform across all states.

  • Patient Centric Practice Management

    Practice management designed for practice to easily setup practice at low cost with high return. Save time and money for practice.

  • E-prescribe

    Spend less time with comprehensive e-prescribing features.

  • Insurance Eligibility

    Spend less time worrying about insurance verification. Save up to 45 minutes or more per patient reducing time to verify by up to 98%.

  • Eliminate Standalone EHR Need

    CareNiva platform provides you all basic EHR needs to save you tons of money as a practice without changing existing process or workflow.

  • Provider and Patient Portals

    CareNiva portals helps you manage all your practice needs for storage, coordination, notifications, alerts, etc easily. Robust portals for both providers and patient.


The CareNiva Practice benefit


We understand Practice needs.

Our history is rooted in building practice, so we know what it takes to build practice and grow as one. That’s why we want to work with you to help you achieve whatever you’ve set out to.

Focus on your patients

Worry less about figuring out platform to manage practice. CareNiva gives you the power to build practice with ease, so you can spend more time focusing on what matters: streamlining your business, impressing your patients with effective care delivery, and scaling in your area and beyond — all from one robust platform.

Not ready to start ?


Sign up for a free trial of CareNiva Platform

Gain access to some of the greatest platform features physician and healthcare professional like you use to grow.
Get started

Launch telehealth for your Practice !

CareNiva Practice Platform is designed for practice looking to grow and establish their practice with telehealth strategy.

Signup and Start Delivering


Take the next step towards growing your practice

CareNiva Practice is here to help you build your practice into what you imagined when you said “let’s grow a practice.” Our robust platform gives you the ability to create a patient engagement and care delivery strategy at a scale. Contact us today and see what you can accomplish by working with CareNiva.